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    本次培训共四个内容:首先,徐教院的江慧芳老师通过美国达人的一段视频片段让我们了解到了团队力量的重要性,并与我们一同分享了国际理解与文化交流的相关内容。之后,世外小学的张益老师分享了多年来世外小学在国际理解课程中的一些探索和经验。在本次教研活动中,还以现场执教和课例分析两种形式,呈现了两堂精彩的教学设计。逸夫小学的季瑾老师现场执教了Oxford English 4A M3U1 In our school,这也是11日代表徐汇区参加市新教材教学展评的一节课。通过英语对话类型的语篇教学,应用指向帮助学生学习如何解决问题。课后,逸夫小学的潘毅老师从语意内涵、文本语言、情感体验和语用功能进行了具体的教学设计分析与说明。最后,世外小学的孔琦老师结合自己执教的二年级课例When I feel scared…… 进行了细致分析,同样为老师们如何从语意内涵、文本语言、情感体验和语用功能四方面进行课堂教学构架提供了一个样板。



Moral education


I. Pre-training

       - Watching a video of Fighting Gravity, America’s got talent

       - Thinking and discussing


II. Sharing and experiencing

1. School-based curriculum development (Cross-cultural joint curriculum projects)

-“各学科是向学生进行思想品德教育最经常的途径。” ——《小学德育纲要》

-The interdisciplinary approach enables teachers to teach the whole student and make links between disciplines. Student learning outcomes should include a well-rounded education where critical thinking and transfer of knowledge is evident with the school and the outside world.

   -A sample of cross-cultural joint curriculum projects: Dreams + Teams project uses the global language “English” and diversity of sport and the arts to develop leadership skills, active citizenship and international awareness and partnership. D+T school clubs were set up by students and encourage them to utilise their new skills to make a difference by “thinking globally, acting locally”. Evaluation for the activities:








           maximum participation





- International dimension

To gain an understanding, appreciation and respect for other cultures

To understand the importance of learning another language

To develop a sense of the wider world and its issues

To be confident as a global citizen


2. School-based curriculum development (English/cultural projects)

   Teacher’s professional development   


III. Case study

1. Oxford English 4A M3U1Read a story Animal school

- 在学校教育中学科具有重要的育人价值,具有丰富和发展学生生命的意义。

- 英语课程的学习,既是学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高语言实际运用能力的过程;又是他们磨砺意志、陶冶情操、拓展视野、丰富生活经历、开发思维能力、培养合作精神和提高人文素养的过程。

- 英语教学的三维目标:


过程与方法              统一性:学生的发展


- Positive Psychology

Researchers in the field analyze things like states of pleasure or flow, values, virtues, talents, as well the ways that they can be promoted by social systems and institutions. It also endeavors to apply the scientific method to answer questions about what "happiness" is, and how we might attain it.

- Positive emotions

        joy            happiness         anger

       anxiety         depression       passion

        pain           satisfaction     excitement

       stress           frustration      enjoyment

   - When you face the negative, …

    What’s the matter? (What’s wrong? What’s not working? …)

What are you good at? (What’s your strength?...)

    Questions create reality. Focus more on the positive.

    Take active actions

    When you appreciate the good things, the good appreciates/grows.  

    The emotion changes.


2. Kids Stories When I feel scared

-The research suggests that large portions of happiness are within a human‘s control.

- Positive/Negative emotions

They’re natural responses.  There are many effective ways to prevent the negative, like journaling, role models, social support, etc.

- A tip to deal with the negative


Immerse for one minute.

Do I want to keep this negativity?

Breathe deep, exhale, release.

Move on !


IV. Conclusion (Values of moral education)

- Every child matters. They have the right to be healthy, happy and safe, loved, valued and respected, and to have high aspirations for their future. – Norfolk County Council, UK

- Every individual student is a seed of greatness. He/she has the potential to grow into a tree, or a flower… We, as teachers, can work as role models, appreciate their strengths, create the good conditions, such as giving water, sunlight, etc.

- 注每一位学生,关注学生的情绪、生活和情感体验,关注学生的道德生活和人格养成。德育存在于课程内容、过程、方式、要求之中,与教学是同步的。