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本次笔者所选择的是外研社《英语》顺序选修8 Module Two的阅读文章:The Renaissance。全文共583字,篇幅较长,生词较多,学生在阅读时会面临许多难题。另外,这篇课文所的主题为文艺复兴,这个话题无论从时间上还是空间上都离学生的日常生活较为遥远,学生在阅读文章时,不仅要克服语言带来的重重困难,还要突破文化背景的障碍,与文章产生共鸣,可谓挑战巨大。那么如何才能避免学生在阅读改文章之前就在心里层面对其排斥呢?笔者在授课前曾收集了大量的展览讯息,并有意识地引导学生在课余时间自行前往观展,使学生在上课前就对艺术有了初步的关注和了解,这样一来文章就不是完全陌生的内容,也更容易引起学生的兴趣。




By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

            figure out the general idea of the text, extract detailed information and have a thorough understanding of the Renaissance.

            apply what is learned about the Renaissance to problem analysis and plan-making.

            foster readiness to explore more about the Renaissance spirit.





在读前阶段,笔者以国家博物馆策展人的身份带领学生踏上艺术之旅。首先,笔者向学生展示一则在艺术圈引起轰动的消息:一幅名为《救世主》的画作在佳士得拍得4.5亿美元,创下了世界纪录。许多学生对此有所耳闻,并且知道该画作的作者是闻名遐迩的达芬奇。笔者抛出问题"What do you know about da Vinci?"学生进行头脑风暴,得出的答案大多与达芬奇的画家身份有关(painter, talented, Mona Lisa,etc.)在学生回答后,笔者向学生介绍了一些有关达芬奇的有趣的小知识,包括他奇怪的名字Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci,学生会立刻对达芬奇本人及其所处的时代产生兴趣,而笔者也就能非常自然地过渡到本课的主题——文艺复兴。这样一来,学生能够自觉主动地走进这个陌生的历史时期,为他们学习课文、理解课文奠定良好的基础。



那么,造就了大师达芬奇的时代是什么样的时代呢?接下来,笔者要求学生重点阅读1-2段,找出文艺复兴的涵义,时间,地点,哪些领域得到发展,以及对这个时代的描述。学生通过阅读对文艺复兴有了一个简单的全景式把握。然后带着已获得的信息和知识阅读文章余下的部分。此时,笔者让学生重点寻找与The achievements in the Renaissance有关的内容,从经济、绘画技巧、哲学与科学四个方面挖掘文艺复兴的时代成就。笔者还要求学生在回答时不能照搬原文句子,用简单的一句话来归纳答案。这不仅要求学生精准定位信息,还要经过思考与判断,对信息进行处理和加工。在学生回答时,笔者就每个方面进行追问,力求使学生完全理解文章内容。例如:How could trade contribute to people in the Renaissance? What was in the center of the universe in the Middle Ages?等。在此过程中,笔者将学生的思维过程展示在黑板上,形成一张总表(如表1),显示出文艺复兴在各个方面的成就。这样,学生不仅能对文艺复兴有更深入细致的了解,还能锻炼他们的分析、归纳、推理等高阶语言技能。


trade   richer patron

Painting   techniques

perspective/effects   of light   revolutionary


people   center of the earth humanism




如果对文章的剖析停滞于此,就无法达到训练学生思维的目的。此时,笔者询问学生:那么以上这些文艺复兴的时代成就与达芬奇本人有什么关系?经过刚才课文的学习,学生就能通过小范围讨论,就不同的角度得出结论,例如:Patron supported da Vinci, and gave him freedom to create masterpieces./Da Vinci used painting techniques in the Renaissance to improve his paintings./Humanism enabled da Vinci to create paintings more human-like./Da Vinci was born in a time of scientific inventions, which also encouraged his creativity.等。至此,学生开始思考个人与时代的关系,辩证思维初步形成。


小组活动后,笔者询问学生:如果达芬奇生活在中世纪,他是否还能成为那个天才达芬奇呢?由于学生已经掌握了文艺复兴的时代特征与精神,他们就能明白,只有百花齐放,思想开化的文艺复兴才能孕育出这样的惊世天才。中世纪黑暗压抑,达芬奇无法再那个时代有所发展,甚至会被处死。此时笔者就能带领学生得出最终结论:时势造英雄,而英雄又是所处时代的最佳代言人。在课堂行将结束之时,将达芬奇与文艺复兴联系在一起,对课文进行了升华,也有助于学生辩证思维的培养。同时,学生会将此结论向自己身上迁移,作为当下这个日新月异的时代的宠儿,学生也升腾出了成为Heroes of our time的决心,从而与课文产生了共鸣。










附录1: Lesson Plan

I.         Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

            figure out the general idea of the text, extract detailed information and have a thorough understanding of the Renaissance.

            apply what is learned about the Renaissance to problem analysis and plan-making.

            foster readiness to explore more about the Renaissance spirit. 


II. Learning Procedures:


Ss’ activities



1.  Read   a piece of art news in and guess the creator of the painting in the news.

2.  Share   the background knowledge of Leonardo da Vinci.

              To arouse students’ interest   in the topic.

            To activate students’ prior   knowledge and prepare for the understanding of the text.


1.                         Browse through the text   to  finish the chronicle.

              To figure out da Vinci’s   whole life.

            To practice scanning skill.

1.  Read   paragraph 1 and 2 to figure out the information related to the Renaissance.

2.  Read   the rest of the text and find out the Renaissance achievements in economy,   painting, philosophy and science

              To get the panoramic view of   the Renaissance.

              To extract relevant   information and get a more detailed understanding of the Renaissance.



1.  Work   in groups to organize an exhibition: Leonardo da Vinci: The Renaissance   Genius. 

            To apply and consolidate what   is learned about the Renaissance to problem analysis and plan-making.

1.  Reflect   on today’s lesson and draw a conclusion.

            To foster the readiness to   explore more about the Renaissance spirit.


1.          Read the passage and look up   the new words.

2.           Visit the website to find out   further information about the Renaissance.





The Renaissance

For many people, the Renaissance means 14th to 16th century Italy, and the developments in art and architecture, music and literature, music and literature which took place there at that time. But there is one work which, perhaps more than any other, expresses the spirit of the Renaissance: the Mona Lisa. It is believed to be the best example of a new lifelike style of painting that amazed people when it was first used. Painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the years 1503-1506, the Mona Lisa is a mysterious masterpiece. People want to know who Mona Lisa is, and why she is smiling. Even if people do not know much about the Renaissance, they have heard of this painting.

But the Renaissance is, of course, more than just Mona Lisa. Renaissance is a French word which means "rebirth" and it first appeared in English in the 19th century. The word was used to describe a period in European history which began with the arrival of the first Europeans inAmerica, an age of exploration, and the beginning of the modern world. It was as if Europe was waking up after the long sleep of the Middle Ages. FromItaly, the ideas of the Renaissance rapidly spread northwards to French.Germany,England, and the rest of Europe.

Trade with other parts of the world meant that Europe was getting richer, too. This meant that people had money to spend on the arts; and it became easier for artists to find people who could afford to buy their works or employ them. Leonardo worked for important people such as the Duck of Milan, and ,towards the end of his life, the King of France.

Renaissance artists found new ideas for their work in classical Greek and Rome. But they looked forward, too, by opening new frontiers in the arts. Painters discovered how to use perspective and the effects of light; composers put different voices together and created polyphony(many voices); architects preferred designing buildings with more light which contrasted with the heaviness of the Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages.

The sense of exploration which motivated the artists went hand in hand with a new type of philosophy. After centuries of accepting a medieval world view in which human life was considered of little value compared with the greatness of God, philosophers began asking questions like "What is a person?" or "Why am I here?" For the first time, they put people, not religion, at the centre of the universe.

The Renaissance was a time of scientific invention, too. Leonardo, as well as being one of the greatest painters the world has ever know, was also a skilled inventor. Wherever he went, he carried a notebook around with him, in which he wrote down his ideas. They included detailed drawings of the human body, plans for engineers to build canals and bridges, and astonishing drawings of machines which were not to be built until hundreds of years later, such as aeroplanes, parachutes, submarines and tanks. Towards the end of his life he was employed by the King of France to do scientific research, and he did not have a lot of time for painting.

In short, Leonardo was an extraordinary genius, an example of what has been described as "Renaissance man": someone interested in everything and with many different talents.But even if his only contribution to history had been the Mona Lisa,it would have been genius enough for all time.