上海市田林第三中学 李艺
1. 单元主题
《英语(牛津上海版)》9BModule 1 Environment and life Unit 1 Saving the Earth
2. 单元概述
(1) 课标分析
内容标准维度 | 学科课程学段内容标准 | 方法 | 学年/学期课程内容标准 |
理解与表达 | 初步具备英语听、说、读、写的语言能力; 能在听或阅读中克服生词障碍, 理解大意,获取准确信息; 能就比较广泛的话题同他人进行初步交流; 能用英语描述和表达个人意见,同他人交流思想感情; 能在阅读中运用阅读策略获取所需的信息; 能写日常生活中常见文体的作文。 | 复述 替换 | 能听懂与日常生活相关的不同主题的对话与语篇,能准确归纳话题和大意并捕捉细节信息; 能就比较广泛的话题与他人进行对话,并能用英语描述和表达个人看法和思想情感及原因; 能读懂有一定生词的不同体裁的文章,并能自主选择使用阅读策略,能准确理解语篇主旨,获取相关信息,梳理内容逻辑关系; 能够依据要求,写出内容完整,结构正确,语言准确的常见文体的篇章。 |
语用与语感 | 具有较强的学习能力,能解决学习中遇到的困难;能与他人合作,完成学习任务。 | 拆解 | 能合理使用词典、网络等工具、媒体独立解决语言学习问题; 能有语言学习的兴趣,并有通过不同渠道日常听读习惯; 能积极参与课堂语言活动,并能组织或配合同伴合作完成活动任务。 |
文化与情感 | 具有使用英语进行交际的意识,并乐于实践; 具有较强的接受外来文化的意识,了解中外文化的差异。 | 替换 拆解 | 具有使用英语进行交流、介绍的意识并乐于在必要时恰当运用实践;乐意了解并能接受英语国家文化,以及与中国文化的差异。 |
表 1
本单元选自9B第一个模块Environment and life,属于“人与自然”话题。
语言能力维度: 能在相关情境综合运用初中阶段学习过的句式比较事物的异同,能区分并正确使用目的和结果状语从句表达自己的观点; 能通过构词法知识以及联系上下文的方法推断、猜测生词词义,并在阅读中运用恰当的阅读技能理解“自然环境”主题说明文的主旨大意,梳理文章脉络,并获取细节信息; 能就环保话题,准确清晰地描述身边存在的问题,以恰当的语言形成有逻辑的篇章; 能运用恰当的听力策略理解长段落、描述性语段的主旨大意,并理清情节发展顺序; 能准确表达自己对生活中常见事物与话题的偏好并解释原因,能分析他人的需求并进行恰当的应答,解决实际生活中的问题,体会语言的语用价值。 |
文化、思维和学习策略维度: 关心身边环境,发现存在的问题,分析原因并尝试改善; 能根据阅读与听力所得信息,分析反思评价自身相关行为,并有改进意识; 养成在听力前,根据所给信息预测听力内容的习惯; 能在课后搜集感兴趣的环境或环保相关资料,解决自身疑问或拓宽知识面; 在课内外学习活动中积极用英语与他人交流沟通与合作,并有意识地收集记录有用信息。 |
表 2
主阅读板块Reading: The green consumer Ø 该单元的主阅读有以下三个作用: 1. 引出整个单元的话题——环境保护。这篇文章以书评(book review)的形式,用五个小标题分别介绍了四种环境破坏的现象,并且在最后呼吁大家成为“绿色消费者”; 2. 以篇章实例的形式呈现该单元的重点语法句式,使学生在话题语境下感知此类句式的语言形式和语用价值,即在说明文中使用类比及对比的句型,用作比较的方法更清晰准确地描述说明对象; 3. 每种环境问题描述都运用了说明文常用的“cause & effect”说明方法,学生能通过语篇阅读理解说明文体裁特点,并转化运用于相关类型语篇的阅读和写作中,。 |
语法板块 Grammar: Using (not) as…as & adverbial clauses & verbs with -ing 单元语法学习包含三个内容: Ø 用(not) as…as比较两个事物,该句型在第一课时主阅读中多次出现,语言形式学生已经掌握。对于说明文而言,“作比较”是非常常用的说明方法,语法板块的及时补充与操练能够让学生在进一步巩固句式的基础上,理解该句型的语用价值与使用场景,并为学生的在写作板块的输出提供帮助。 Ø 结果与目的状语从句,该句型在单元说明文阅读中反复出现。在主阅读中,该句型将人们的行为与环境进行因果之间的联系,该句型的重点操练也丰富了学生在口语和写作板块的话题表达。 Ø 非谓语动词,提供学生在口语板块对于偏好的表达以及原因的阐述提供帮助。通过该语法点的操练,学生可以更加精准正确,并且以更多样化地句式表达汇报自身或他人的偏好及原因,并且与环保的行为进行对照。 |
听力板块Listening: Pollution around us Ø 听力练习的四组图片排序全部围绕着学生的日常生活展开,意在将单元话题与学生的生活实际形成关联。 Ø 四组图片与听力短文分别介绍了一种环境污染的类型,为单元中写作板块表达做好铺垫,也为学生的写作提供内容和语言素材积累。 |
口语板块Speaking: Expressing preferences and reasons & a survey on preferences Ø 与日常生活相关的偏好及理由表达,结合日常生活行为方式,旨在提供学生进行衣食住行等方面的偏好表达的语汇和语境,通过反思自身行为,思考自己是否符合单元主阅读中所倡议的“绿色消费者”标准。 Ø 对于偏好及原因的表达可以使用单元语法中非谓语动词的语言知识,丰富学生的口语表达句式并提高准确度。 |
写作板块 Writing: Protecting our environment Ø 写作板块是单元学习内容的综合表达输出,结合主阅读和听力板块的学习内容提供更加贴近学生日常生活的任务情境,在发现问题的基础上,尝试给环保局写信,描述环境问题以寻求帮助。 Ø 写作板块中提供的四种污染类型及相应的细节问题可以与听力板块的四组短文一一对应。 Ø 在写作表达中,学生对于环境问题的描述,则可运用在主阅读以及语法板块中积累的“cause & effect”分析及表达方法,提高表达结构和逻辑正确与恰当。 |
拓展阅读板块More Practice: Millions of trees on fire Ø 拓展阅读的主题呼应单元主题情境,继续探讨环境保护问题,以新闻报道的形式分析东南亚森林大火的起因及造成的损失——“cause & effect”。 Ø 通过对于现场记者的采访,以问答的形式,传递主要信息,电视主持人的问题与主阅读的小标题的作用相类似,可进一步训练学生关注文本特征,选取阅读技巧的能力。 Ø 与主阅读更加书面化的表达相比,拓展阅读则更加口语化,学生需要理解并读懂单元话题下可能包含的不同体裁的语篇。 |
表 3
3 单元学习特点分析
作为初中阶段最后一个学期的教学单元,学生已经积累并掌握了一定的语言知识与能力,并且 “环保”主题在初中阶段不同年级教材中多次复现,学生也比较熟悉。因此,学生语言综合运用能力,以及更高层次的反思性评价性思维能力的发展应成为单元重点关注的培养目标。
对于单元话题“环境保护”而言,在六、七、八年级中均有复现。例如,在6BU9 Sea water and rain water 以及6BU10 Forests and land两个单元中,话题是“水资源”以及“森林的保护”,是初中阶段英语学科“环境保护”话题的第一次出现。7BU10 Water festival同样也涉及了“水资源的保护与利用”。在8BU1 Pollution fighters和8BU2Water talk中,更加详细地介绍了树木的作用以及水循环,呼吁保护环境。
该单元的主阅读以书评形式呈现的说明文,则在初中阶段首次出现。8BU1 Pollution fighters是以对话形式呈现的采访文章,8BU2 Water talk则将水拟人化,在与主人公对话的过程中传递话题内容,8BU3 A dangerous servant通过讲述一个故事,将说明对象的特征包含其中,生动有趣。这篇文章The green consumer的更具有说明文体裁的语篇特征,对同学们的阅读相关体裁类型的语篇提出了新的学习要求。
该单元教学的语法知识(not)as…as曾经在六、七年级有过相关教学。在6AU10 Healthy eating中,学习了用as healthy/unhealthy as比较健康程度,7AU9 The wind is blowing中,学习了as +adj.+ as的用法。
由so…that以及so that引导的结果和原因状语从句则在教材中第一次出现。学生在8BU5 Magazine articles中初步接触了时间、原因、让步状语从句的相关知识。在9AU5 The human brain中,学生学习了由if引导让步状语从句。
3. 单元课时设置:
课时 | 课型与内容 | 课时目标 |
Period 1 | Reading: The green consumer | 1. grasp the use of the new words and phrases: atmosphere, global, flood, consumer, various, threat, greenhouse, warmth, etc; 2. have a clear idea of the genre, text-feature, target readers, writing-purpose, main idea and structure of the exposition; 3. be able to understand the passage by analyzing the internal cause & effect logic within short paragraphs; |
Period 2 | Grammar(1): Comparisons | 1. be able to use (not) as…as to compare things in the appropriate context; |
Period 3 | Grammar(2): Adverbial clauses | 1. grasp the use of adverbial clauses so that and so…that; 2. properly use so that and so…that to convey messages in different situations; |
Period 4 | Listening: Pollution around us | 1. get the main idea and key information of the four listening materials by applying proper listening strategies; |
Period 5 | Speaking: Expressing preferences and reasons | 1. be able to express preferences and give reasons using gerund; 2. be able to conduct a survey and collect information within small groups. |
Period 6 | Writing: Protecting our environment | 1. have a clearer idea of features in letters of asking for help; 2. be able to independently write a letter to describe the environmental problems and ask for help. |
Period 7 | Reading (2): Millions of trees on fire | 1. understand the main idea and key information of a live report through careful reading; 2. grasp the new words and expressions by inferring the meaning from the context; 3. be able to read a longer conversation and analyze internal cause& effect logic. |
表 4
4. 单元教学目标与评价
书面评价 | |
评价标准 | 评价示例 |
| |
口头评价 | |
评价标准 | 评价示例 |
能熟练运用相关阅读技能,梳理文章结构,获取文章关键信息,并使用自己的语言有逻辑地归纳陈述。 | |
表 5
5. 单元学习活动
单元输出活动一 (第三课时) | |
活动主题 | 口头汇报About the green consumer |
活动要求 | 运用主阅读所学相关知识以及单元核心句型(如:so that,as…as等)组织段落完成口头表达。 |
活动情境 | 在学习the green consumer之后,学生对于环境破坏现象有更深入的认知,并且愿意成为绿色消费者,为环保助力。 |
活动任务 | 细读语篇,界定“绿色消费者”的定义; 列举绿色消费者衣食住行方面的做法; 对比自身衣食住行的偏好,与绿色消费者之间的差异,做出评判。 根据对比结果,总结今后的改进方向。 |
活动指导 | 1. 教师在告知活动任务后宜减少过多活动控制,给予学生充分的自由以及发挥的空间。 2. 活动前需要告知活动准备时间以及对于活动完成的评价要点(如:目标句型的多次及正确运用,口头汇报的内容完整等) |
单元输出活动二 (第六课时) | |
活动主题 | 书面写作 Protecting our environment |
活动要求 | 分析周边环境污染问题,写信向环保局描述问题,并寻求帮助。 |
活动情境 | 通过该单元的学习,学生对环境保护有更加深入的认知,能关注周边的环境问题,用合理方式尝试解决问题。 |
活动任务 | 通过列举不同类型的生活中常见污染问题,为后续写作内容做铺垫; 通过识别不同的信件类型,以及判别恰达语汇,进一步理解本课任务,为写作语言做铺垫; 参照课本系列问题进行头脑风暴,就自己选择的环境污染类型用提问形式激活更多写作内容; 初步尝试独立完成一个段落写作,运用cause & effect说明方法描述一个污染问题的起因及后果; 同伴之间运用评价量表进行互评,并修改; 根据段落写作经验,完成另外两个环境问题的分析与撰写; 按照信件要求加上开头和结尾,形成一封完成的信件。 |
活动指导 | 教师在课堂上需引导学生主动、真实思考身边的环境问题,以及其影响,激励学生就环境问题表达独立的想法; 在撰写过程中,教师需要能够引导学生尝试运用该单元语法部分学习相关句型,尤其是so…that和so that引导的原因和目的状语从句。 在写作过程中,要引导学生思考句与句之间逻辑关联,提高表达流畅与达意。 在完成写作后,要鼓励学生之间运用评价量表互相评价,给出修改建议。 |
表 6
6. 单元学习技术与资源
多媒体技术: 本单元中教师需要运用PPT辅助课堂教学,提供口语交际或者书面写作范例,呈现教学重点,播放音视频等。
网络资源: 本单元中教师需要从网络中选取合适的环境问题介绍的视频以及新闻报道,在提供学生更丰富的背景信息的同时,让阅读文章及教学知识生动起来,以激发学生的学习兴趣;网络环境良好或者在线教学支持技术成熟的学校也可以让学生通过网络平台完成相应的预习、背景知识积累、补充阅读等学习任务。
学习工具: 1. 阅读课学习工具 (示例如下)
Complete the CAUSE AND EFFECT chart below.
2. 写作过程指导工具(示例如下)
Worksheet(写作Protecting our environment) Task 1 Think of some environmental problems that you know near your school, your home or at other public places, and list them on your worksheet. u __________________________________________________ u __________________________________________________ u __________________________________________________ Task 2 Can you think of more questions? u ___________________________________________________________? u ___________________________________________________________? u ___________________________________________________________? |
Task 3 Choose one environmental problem and write a paragraph to report it with necessary details. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
My revised paragraph: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
7. 单元教学过程
课题:The green consumer
时长:40 minutes
Learning objectives:
By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to
grasp the use of the new words: atmosphere, global, flood, consumer, various, threat, greenhouse, warmth, etc;
have a clear idea of the genre, text-feature, target readers, writing-purpose, main
idea and structure of the exposition;
be able to understand the passage by analyzing the internal cause & effect logic within short paragraphs.
Stages | Learning Activities | Teaching Purposes |
Pre-reading | 1. Think of and talk about different kinds of threats to the Earth. | To elicit the topic, arouse students’ interest and get them familiar with the new words. |
While-reading | 2. Look at the picture and tell the genre and the target readers of the passage. | To help students get prepared and identify the genre and the target readers of the passage. |
3. Skim the passage and get the topic, text-feature, and writing- purpose of it. | To encourage the students to practice skimming skills and to clarify the topic, text-feature, and writing-purpose of the passage. | |
4. Scan the passage and match the headings from the passage with the pictures given by the teacher and meanwhile learn some new words. | To have students grasp the main idea and the structure of the passage and to guess the meanings of some new words by applying possible reading strategies. | |
5. Read the first four parts respectively, answer questions to figure out the main idea and the internal logic of the passage, and meanwhile learn the new words and expressions. | To enable students to sort out information based on the internal logic within the four parts. | |
6. Read the last part carefully, and tell how we can save the Earth. | To get the students focused on the topic and have a better understanding of what green consumers and environmentally-friendly goods are. | |
Post-reading | 7. Write down what green consumers do specifically according to the passage and daily life, and share with each other. | To encourage students to reflect on their own behaviors and learn to be green consumers and use more environmentally-friendly goods. |
Assignments | Written work: Draw a Cause and Effect chart for the passage. Option: Watch a video clip about the greenhouse effect: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTk3OTAyODc2 |
此外,本文生词较多。由于本文部分生词的构词特点,以及学生较为充足的背景知识,教师宜在课堂中穿插引导学生通过构词法猜测词义的意识。例如:lifeless、warmth、greenhouse、protective、environmentally friendly、sunlight等词均可以通过已知词汇以及前后缀的相关知识猜测得知词义与词性。
时长:40 minutes
Learning objectives:
By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to use (not) as…as to compare things in the appropriate context.
Teaching procedures:
Stages | Learning Activities | Teaching Purposes |
Pre-task | 1. Answer questions about the Green Consumers. | To activate the students’ prior knowledge and elicit the sentence pattern as…as. |
While-task | 2. Make sentences with (not) as+adj.+as / (not) as+adv.+as / (not) as many/much as based on the given pictures. |
To consolidate the use of the target sentence pattern.
3. Use (not) as…as to paraphrase the sentence with the same as…/than. | ||
4. Write a self-introduction and use as many as…as as possible and share it with the class. | ||
Post-task | 5. Conclude: when to use the sentence pattern. ※when we want to compare the differences and similarities between two things. ※when we want to stress the degree and make our expressions more vivid. | To make students understand the contextual meaning and function of the sentence pattern. |
8. Discuss in groups: Think of more situations that we can use the sentence pattern properly. | To enable students to be aware of the situation where they can use the sentence pattern. | |
| Written work: Write a paragraph to introduce your school and use as many (not) as…as as possible. |
课题:Adverbial clauses
时长:40 minutes
Learning objectives:
By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to
grasp the use of adverbial clauses so that and so…that;
properly use so that and so…that to convey messages in different situations.
Teaching procedures:
Stages | Learning Activities | Teaching Purposes |
Pre-task | 1. Read two sentences from The Green Consumer. | To elicit the topic and get the students prepared. |
While-task | 2. Read more sentences and tell the differences between so that and so…that | To make students notice and identify the differences. To get the students grasp the meanings and uses of the two target adverbial clauses.
3. Combine two sentences or paraphrase a sentence with so…that. | ||
4. Look at pictures to make a sentence or paraphrase a sentence with so that. | ||
5. Brainstorm and use so…that or so that to make sentences according to the given pictures. | ||
Post-task | 6. Write a paragraph on the green consumer with the two target patterns and make a report to others. | To encourage the students to use the sentence patterns in real situations. |
7. Discuss in groups: Think of more situations that we can use the sentence patterns properly. | To enable students to summarize the use of the sentence pattern. | |
Assignments | Written work: Finish the homework sheet. Write a paragraph to introduce your bad habits and use as many so that and so…that as possible. |
学生没有在之前具体学习过so…that以及so that的详细用法,但是作为常用句型,学生在阅读篇章中曾有多次接触。两个句式的用词相近,但语用功能有很大差异,学生们容易混淆,故在操练环节的设计中,遵循先分别练习,积累语感,后合并练习,辨析差异的原则,设计了三个操练环节,每个环节的操练之间不同的任务又可以保持学生的新鲜感。在paraphrase的活动中,教师应将能同义转换的多种句型列举出来(例如:so as to, in order that, too…to等),此举也意在帮助学生拓宽使用目标句式的场合。
最后的输出活动,意在将语法操练建立在有意义的情境中,同时复习本单元所学内容,教师可以列出三个问题供同学们思考:What is a green consumer? Are you a green consumer? What are you going to do to become a green consumer?
课题:Pollution around us
时长:40 minutes
Learning objectives:
By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to get the main idea and key information of the four listening materials by applying proper listening strategies;
Teaching procedures:
Stages | Learning Activities | Teaching Purposes | |
Warming up | 1.Play a game about time expressions. | To activate students’ prior knowledge on time expressions. | |
Pre-listening | 2.Read the instruction of the following listening tasks. | To get students prepared for the listening task. | |
3.Read the pictures carefully, tell the differences among the pictures (of 2 groups respectively), and predict what may be in the recording. | To practise students’ ability of getting basic information from pictures and predicting (to get ready for the following listening). | ||
While-listening | 4.Listen to the stories, and put the pictures into the correct order, search for key information (time) in the recording, and listen to them again. |
To practise students’ listening skills, to present the skills, and to provide them with more situations to use the skills.
| |
5.Read another two groups of pictures carefully, listen to the recording, and rearrange the pictures. | |||
6.Fill in the blanks while listening to the four materials. | To practise students’ information-catching skills. | ||
7.Review the tips :※Read pictures to make a prediction before listening.※Pay attention to time expressions and key phrases while listening. | To conclude the tips for students so that they can gradually form a good listening habit. | ||
Post-listening | 8.Think and answer: what kind of pollution are these stories about? What can we learn from them? | To make students aware of the topic, and link the topic with the unit and to know that they can do something good to stop pollution. | |
Assignment | Written Work: Workbook 9B pages 7 and 8 Option: search on the Internet for more audios about environment or pollution, and take some notes. | ||
【教学设计思路】 课前的热身活动,教师可以在屏幕的左右两边分别打出有关时间的表达,让学生以举左手或右手的方式,来选择其中较早的时间表达。这项游戏比较简单易行,参与面广,又能让学生回忆起各类时间状语,适合出现在课前的热身环节。 在正式听力训练开始之前与过程之中,教师宜通过口令引导学生进行听前的预测以及听力时的复查,以养成良好的听力习惯。在听力之前,由同学们进行图片之间差异的描述,这项活动让学生深入读图,在脑海中对听力主题和背景有大致的了解。在第二遍听力之时,教师需要明确给予学生复查以及再次运用听力技能的指令,对于英语学习的后进生,教师可以要求学生用笔指着目前正在被描述的图片,以达到更加明确的教学效果。之后的填空环节,难度进一步提升,学生抓取细节信息的听力技能进一步被强化。听力技巧的总结与归纳是学生评估自己听力习惯与能力的好时机,该环节可以在教师的引导下,由学生回顾分享自己听力小技巧,最后由教师进行总结归纳。 听后活动是将本节课与本单元的主题,尤其是本单元第六课时写作课的写作主题相关联,同时也将本单元的主题与学生的生活实际相关联,不仅进一步增强学生自身的环保意识,同时也启发学生可以为宣传环境保护做更多的事情。
第五课时 课题:Expressing preferences and reasons 课型:Speaking(口语) 时长:40 minutes
Learning objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to 1. be able to express preferences and give reasons using gerund; 2. be able to conduct a survey and collect information within small groups. Teaching procedures: | |||
Stages | Learning Activities | Teaching Purposes | |
Pre-speaking | 1.Play a game about verbs with –ing, and review the words that can be followed by an –ing verb. | To make students recall the words that can be followed by an –ing verb and pay attention to them. | |
2.Look at the picture and say where Arthur and Pansy are and what they do. | To get students prepared for the task. | ||
While-speaking | 3.Listen to a dialogue, and tell: What does Arthur order? What does Pansy order? What do they say? | To check students’ understanding and make them pay attention to the target language (would prefer). | |
4.Read the dialogue again, and answer questions on the book. | To have students understand the function of each sentence. | ||
5.Read the dialogue aloud after the recording. | To improve students’ pronunciation and intonation. | ||
6.Recall and learn more expressions about showing preference. | To offer students more expressions to show preferences and review the verbs that can be followed by -ing. | ||
7.Talk about preferences in different fields with the given structure (I’d prefer…because…) to their desk mates. | To consolidate the target language and improve the students’ communicative skills.
| ||
Post-speaking | 8.Do a survey about preferences and reasons in a certain field within groups of 4, and then make a report. | ||
Assignment | 1. Retell the stories on P10 of Student’s Book 2. Interview your family members or friends about their preferences and complete a report. Give your report orally.
课题:Protecting our environment
时长:40 minutes
Learning objectives:
By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to
1. have a clearer idea of features in letters of asking for help;
2. be able to write a letter to describe the environmental problems and ask for help
Teaching procedures:
Stages | Learning Activities | Teaching Purposes |
Lead-in | 1. Brainstorm: Think of different kinds of environmental problems and the causes of them. | To review the topic learned in this unit and get students prepared for the writing task. |
Pre-writing | 2. Read different kinds of letters, tell the letter types of them, and decide what kind of letters to write with the given instruction. | To make students understand the letter types and prepare them for the writing task. |
3. Read four sentences and decide which one may not be in the letter and then put the three sentences in the correct order. | To help students review what should or shouldn’t be in the letter and the logical order of it. | |
While-writing | 4. Think of some environmental problems nearby, and list them. | To encourage the students to generate and decide on the ideas for the writing.
5. Think of questions about the environmental problems they mentioned above after reading different groups of questions in the books. | ||
6. Choose one environmental problem and write a paragraph to report it with necessary details. | ||
Post-task | 7. Check their own paragraphs by themselves based on the checklist and then revise some of the students’ work together in class. | To get the students to revise each other’s work based on the criteria. |
Assignment | Written work Write a complete letter to the Bureau with the given beginning and ending. |
该单元第二、三课时的语法教学为本课时的习作提供了支持与便利,那么在学生写作开始之前更需要给学生提供内容与逻辑支持。因此,教案中则出现了辨析信件中可能出现的句子以及为这些句子功能排序的任务,句子参考如下:1) I have difficulty in falling asleep recently because of the troublesome noise (Reporting consequences); 2) We mustn't litter anywhere, especially into rivers (Not on the topic); 3) I would be grateful if you would reply to me soon and let me know what to do with the problems (Expressing appreciation); 4) The problem worrying me most is the terrible air pollution, which is even worse these days (Describing problems).
课题:Millions of trees on fire
时长:40 minutes
Learning objectives:
By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to
1. understand the main idea and key information of a live report through careful
2. grasp the new words and expressions by inferring the meaning from the context;
3. be able to read a longer conversation and analyze internal cause& effect logic.
Teaching procedures:
Stages | Learning Activities | Teaching Purposes |
Pre-reading | 1. Match pictures of natural disasters with their names. | To link the topic of the passage with the unit and to activate students’ background knowledge. |
2. Watch a short video clip and talk about the basic information of the forest fire in the news. | To arouse students’ interest in the topic. | |
While-reading | 3. Skim the passage, and think about the genre, the topic, the relationship between the characters in the passage. | To clarify the genre, topic, the relationship between the characters in the passage. |
4. Scan the passage, and figure out Tim’s words and discuss the purpose of them. |
To have a better understanding of the passage through careful reading.
| |
5. Read the first paragraph and find out the details about the fire. | ||
6. Read Penny’s report and tell: How serious are the fires? / Can the fires be put out? | ||
7. Read the last five paragraphs, find out the causes and effects of the fires, and discuss. | To practise analyzing the internal cause & effect logic of the event, which was learned during the first period of the unit. | |
Post-reading | 8. Discuss: What can we learn from this event? | To encourage the students to express their opinions based on their understanding of the event. |
Assignments | Written work: A Do exercises on page 15 of Student’s Book. B Complete the summary of the article. (In South-east Asia, millions of trees are on fire. The big fires have destroyed the forests and caused hundreds of deaths and i_________. People have to wear m_________ to protect themselves. Thousands of fire fighters are working hard to e__________ the fires. But it seems quite difficult right now because the d__________ which began several months ago made the land very dry and the rain is not e________ for several weeks. Most of the fires are started by f__________ who wanted to clear the land before planting. And this year some big c__________ joined in and they use fires to clear large areas of land in order to make more agricultural products.) |
8. 自我检测
Tick what you can do after learning this unit. 1. I can understand short stories with the help of pictures while listening.【 】 2. I can read book reviews and news reports and figure out the main idea and structure of the passages with different reading skills I choose by myself while reading. 【 】 3. I can ask and answer questions to communicate preferences and reasons with others in a variety of daily topics. 【 】 4. I can describe environmental problems and the causes and effects of them clearly to form a letter of asking for help.【 】 5. I have the habit of predicting what to listen to before listening and check my answers carefully if possible. 【 】 6. I can search for different kinds of materials after class to know more about the environment. 【 】 7. I can take an active part in activities and communicate with others sincerely with patience and respect. 【 】 8. I can notice some environmental problems, analyze the causes and effects of them, and do something good to the environment. 【 】 |
9. 单元教学指导关注点
英语的核心素养中也包含思维品质的培养,尤其是对于高年级的同学而言,思维品质的培养应在英语教学中占据更大的比重。在本单元中,可以着重培养学生评价性反思性以及因果关系分析的思维能力。例如,在主阅读以及拓展阅读中,都可以引导学生思考发掘环境问题的因果链,同时也练习使用了本单元目标语言(so…that/so that)。反思与评价能力的培养可以通过引导学生回顾自身生活中行为模式的偏好,反思对于环境的影响,并进行评价与改进。
本单元的主阅读,作为一篇介绍较为专业的有关环境问题的科普说明文,含有许多生词。英语作为一门外语,不可避免地会在阅读中碰到部分生词。而学生对于这些生词的态度以及处理方式,会直接影响学生的阅读心态和理解程度。教师应引导学生学会1.通过联系上下文以及生活常识猜测词义;2.通过分析词根和前后缀的方式猜测词义;3.带着生词继续阅读;4.查词典获得词义。不同的情境下,学生可以采用不用的阅读策略解决生词问题。考虑到本文部分生词的构词特点,教师宜在课堂中穿插引导学生通过构词法猜测词义的意识。例如:lifeless、warmth、greenhouse、protective、environmentally friendly、sunlight等词均可以通过已知词汇以及前后缀的相关知识猜测得知词义与词性。
In spring 2008, the polar bear was placed on the endangered species list. According to the USA's Endangered Species Act, an endangered species is an animal, plant or any other kind of wildlife that is likely to face extinction in its natural habitat. The polar bear is the first animal that has been classified as endangered due primarily to global warming. Global warming is a form of climate change caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that become trapped in the atmosphere. Oil and gas heaters, engines using oil or petrol (or gasoline) and coal-powered electricity plants all require fossil fuels that lead to global warming. |
课时目标:能正确辨析并正确使用so that及so…that
I. Paraphrase the following sentences.
My sister is too young to go to school.
Jenny studies hard in order that she can get a good grade in last examination.
The man isn't young enough to go to work.
The box is light enough for the child to lift.
II. Write a paragraph to introduce your bad habits using “so that” and “so…that”.